Monday, September 15, 2008

Clearing Unused Regions

One of the koolest features in Pro Tools is the ability to clean up unused regions. Go to your region list and chose select unused, all the unused regions will be highlighted and you can delete them :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Save Copy In

Every once in a while, you might have problems with your session like missing audio files among other problems, one of the best way to solve this is to use a function in Pro Tools call Save Copy In, what does function does is to consolidate everything into one folder.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Buffer Size

When recording I love to use 128 buffer size to reduce latency whereas I like to use 1024 when editing and mixing

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Creating Fades Fast

One of the most useful things I've encountered when editing is to be able to create fades fast. Cmd + F allows you to create a preset fade. The default 10 millisecond fade is pretty useful.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Different Ways to use a Compressor

I feel that there are a number of ways to use a compressor. The most common way is to increase the level of parts that are too soft and reducing the overall loudness of a part that is too loud.

However there are some compressor that changes your overall tone and some people actually likes that, they may not wan to actually change the overall volume of that track. Usually you can increase the attack time on the compressor and reduce the ratio to achieve this.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sound Design

One of the ways I do sound design on Pro Tools is to staggered the tracks.

Usually I will create 5 tracks. Typically the last track will be for the soundtrack.

For example if the scene is a guy walking in the rain with cars in the background.

Track one will contain the footsteps

Track two will have car sounds

Track three will have the rain

Track four could be various ambiance noise.

I will also lock the tracks so I dun accidentally move them. ctrl + L for PC and cmd + L for Mac

Monday, July 21, 2008

Using Distortion

One of the ways I use a distortion in Pro Tools is to spice the snare up. Sometimes the snare feels like it lacks that extra kick or that in face feel, I will add some distortion to the snare track. Using distortion on the snare will also bring out some of the highs as well.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Using Reverb to Create Space

One of the very cool things I like to do with a reverb is to make it feel like you're in a very big room.

For example in a song with a lead vocal and some backing vocals.I will have the lead vocal upfront in the mix. I will have the backing vocals softer and also adding some reverb to it. Usually I will use more reverb for the backing vocals, like maybe 15% or even more.

With more reverb added to the backing vocals, it gives the backing vocals some distance and feels like you are in a big room.