Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Memory Location/Markers

Once I have the basic tracks recorded, I will start to put up Markers/Memory Locations. Markers are like bookmarks, they let you jump straight to a specific section of the song you marked.

Usually I will separate the song into, Intro, Verse, Pre Chorus/Chorus, Interlude/Bridge, Outro, whichever that is appropriate for the song.

Its great during the mixdown stage when you wana compare verses and choruses. (for difference in volume etc etc)

To create a marker, all you gotta do is hit Enter on your numeric keypad.

You will get the memory location screen and you can juz enter in the name.

Ctrl + numeric keypad 5 will bring up the memory location screen, showing you all your markers.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


One thing I really like to do to create that thick wall of sound is to double the guitar.

Basically what you do is juz simply duplicate the track. There are two schools of thought here, when you double a track, ur juz increasing the volume by about + 3dB and some people claims that instead of duplicating the track you can juz increase the volume by +3 dB.

What I usually do is to duplicate the guitar and reduce the overall volume of the guitars by 3 dB and to my ears, it sounds a lot thicker, giving the guitars more texture, filling up the space in the mix.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

More Pro Tools Tip

In Pro Tools if you wan to apply a insert to all of your tracks, you can alt + (whateva insert) and the insert will be applied to all tracks.

If you wan to apply a insert to a few tracks only, you can select the tracks and shift + Alt + (whateva insert) to apply it to the selected tracks.

The above 2 mentioned tricks work for not juz inserts but also for selecting input/output as well.

Thats all folks...more to come next week.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Useful Pro Tools Shortcuts

Pro Tools Shortcuts

There are a lot of short cuts for Pro Tools to make the work flow so much easier and today I'll show you a few of my favorites.

Scroll Wheel in the edit window will scroll up/down.

Shift + Scroll Wheel in the edit window lets you scroll horizontally

Alt + Scroll Wheel in the edit window will zoom in/out horizontally.

Shift + Alt + Scroll Wheel in the edit window will zoom in/out on the audio.

Ctrl + E separates the audio at the point of selection

Ctrl + Shift + W closes the current session

Ctrl + Shift + O opens the last closed session

Ctrl + Shift + N Creates a New Track

Up/Down Arrow on the New Track Window increases/decreases the number of tracks

Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow on the New Track Window changes track Format

Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow on the New Track Window track type.

Ctrl + Q Close Pro Tools

Monday, August 27, 2007

Creating an effects channel in Pro Tools

Pro Tools

For this tutorial I will be teaching you how to send multiple tracks to one FX channel. Generally I do this when I've several backing vocals and instead of inserting an individual reverb for each track, I'll send them all to a reverb track. 2 great reasons to do this, first you will cut down on processor usage and second you don't need to adjust the reverb individually for every backing track.

1) Create a Stereo Aux Track and set the input to any available Bus. I'll use Bus 31-32 as an example. Insert a reverb plugin onto the Aux Track

2) Set the output of your backing tracks to Bus 31 – 32

Now Backing 1, 2 , 3 and 4 will be sharing the same reverb plugin and by using a stereo aux track you will be able to pan your backing tracks.

Get this tip in PDF format complete with pics here!